Social Media Spreads News Fast

This week has been a busy one with Labor Day cutting the school week to four days. Also, my hometown of Kalida is having its annual Pioneer Days, so everyone goes uptown to socialize. Though through all this a few things have happened that has blown up the social media world. The deaths of two great Americans, Burt Reynolds and Mac Miller.
Burt Reynolds was an American actor with roles in numerous movies and tv shows like Smokey and the Bandit. He was a beloved actor and I personally loved the Smokey and the Bandit movie and remember watching it numerous times with my dad. He died at the age of 82 from a cardiac arrest.
Mac Miller was a young American rapper that many people loved due to his lyrical raps. He actually rapped about serious things like heart break and drug addictions. Many of my friends and I, listened to a lot of his songs because of how well written they were. He died at the age of 26 from an apparent drug overdose.
The reason I bring up these deaths is because of the importance of social media. Reynolds and Miller have gained so much praise and well wishes since passing away. Numerous tweets and posts with people watching and listening to both peoples works. I even turned my Spotify to a playlist of Mac Millers songs when I heard of the passing. Millers passing was even more important because most people heard about it through social media. My buddy text me saying that it was all over twitter and that no news reports have been posted yet.
Social media is putting stories out their faster than the news companies. It is amazing how news from one person can spread all the way across the US in a matter of minutes. Social media almost brings people together especially in mourning the passing of these two great men.
