Snapchat Stories Update

Yet again, Snapchat is in the news with new updates and this time mass media is involved. Snapchat is now allowing news medias to publish stories using other user’s snaps. So, if an event is happening and people are posting snaps to their story companies like CNN can take these snaps and create a mass story using everyone’s story. This will allow people all over the world see what is happening at that time through the eyes of witnesses or people passing by. It is amazing because again it is Snapchats way of bringing people together and showing people big events that are happening.
Even though this is big news to me, I don’t really have to much interest in it. To me it is big news companies just trying to control more things. They will pick stories that they want to show even if it doesn’t show the whole story. The example that they had online was that of the Cincinnati shooting and it was pretty good videos and did have good facts to go along with the video. What is stopping them from future stories though, what if there is another shooting and instead of showing all the stories they choice the ones that make one side look bad. Snap stories to me are supposed to be unbiased and with big companies taking over the story who knows what will happen.
I just hope that snapchat stays true to its roots with letting its users create the content. I don’t want to start seeing ads everywhere and that companies run the snapchat stories. I just want it to be the fun social media app that it is. Well that is all I have to say about that, I am looking forward to more updates, but hope they won’t do anything drastic in the future.
