Peace, Love & Positivity

Can social media be the reason for so much negative things happening in the world? The reason in my mind is yes! This might be an unpopular opinion, but it does have some truth in the saying. Protest, violence, and division in America in my mind can be in part to social media. Social media spreads news like wild fire where some news story’s might have taken days to reach the public can now be seen within minutes. People can also hide behind an internet screen to bully people unlike having to do it face to face back in the day.
It is a sad thing that social media can cause such a horrific thing like violence, yet it still happens. Even though I agree that social media can cause these negative events I still believe that social media is a good thing; when used right! People of all ages need to learn how to use social media the right way. They need to do research and read up on research already done on social media. To me the biggest thing you can do is look at both sides. If people did research on politics, religions, and cultures, then we wouldn’t have such a division in our country. If people looked at both sides of a violent event maybe we can see what was wrong and fix it. If people would listen to each other maybe we would understand what they are upset about and settle protest in a quick and peaceful matter.
In truth, we are human and that person that you are arguing, bullying, or ridiculing on social media, is a human too. Imagine being on the other side of the screen, how would that make you feel? Social media can be an amazing thing if we learned how to use it properly. Well that is all I have to say about that, I hope for the future where we can all spread positive social media posts and love one another like we have seen in times of peace in the past.


  1. I think that social media may not be directly /responsible/ for a lot of the division and polarization of modern America, but I think you can definitely see it play out in real time. I think as time goes on, and people began to validate social media as a tool of communication, I would at least HOPE activity like you described will cease. There's more of an ability to monitor and the consequences will last a lot longer than recess shenanigans.

  2. I actually think about this a lot... I think social media does affect our society negatively sometimes. Although when used right, it is amazing. So many people take advantage of it and use it for the wrong reasons and I think it can cause a lot of issues but this blog was definitely super relatable to me and I think about this so often.


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